6 Quotes & Sayings By Amy Matayo

Amy Matayo is the author of two books, BORN TO WIN and LIFE IN THE FAST LANE. She is an Independent Coach, Speaker, Author, Mentor, and Business Woman. She has been featured on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, ESPN, National Public Radio (NPR), ABC’s Good Morning America and in various newspapers. Her company has grown to over 600 students in the last five years and has worked with over 15 different Fortune 500’s companies Read more

Her work can be found in various media outlets across the country including national advertisements for Zumba Fitness. Amy's passion is working with leaders to help them become successful business owners by helping them create their own success story through mindset shifts that will help them live their dreams.

There comes a point in everyone's life when the only thing you can manage to do is sit. To sit and stare. To sit and stare and wonder how everything got so messed up that you've passed the point of caring. The Whys Have It Amy Matayo
You can ask why all day long if you want to. You can ask God why and your friends why and yourself why until you're buried in nothing but that single question, but you'll never get an answer. This side of heaven, time is the only thing that helps a little bit. So don't give in. Don't let the whys have it. Don't let them take advantage of you. They'll crush your heart and steal your peace and mess with your mind and wrap around you so tight you won't be able to breathe. Don't let the whys ruin your life, child. Every time they try to sneak up, push them aside and move forward. Trust me, it's the only way you can get on with living." I turn toward the window and think about her words. "What if I can't? Let it go, I mean?" I don't see her smile, but I can hear it. "You can. I know you can. Because no matter how hard life gets, there's always goodness right around the corner. All you have to do is look for it. Amy Matayo
Don't let the whys have it. Don't let them take advantage of you. They'll crush your heart and steal your peace and mess with your mind and wrap around you so tight you won't be able to breathe. Don't le the whys ruin your life, child. Every time they try to sneak up, push them aside and move forward. Amy Matayo
Some people dream of becoming doctors or artists or veterinarians or teachers. I dream of the day Shaye laughs without stopping, and when she does, it will be only to take a breath before starting over again. Amy Matayo
God is the one who puts dreams inside you. So you'd better chase them fast, before He decides to let them chase you instead.... Because sometimes He does that, just to get your attention. Amy Matayo